Middle-Aged Men’s Health: How to Get in Shape and Boost Energy

As many men reach their middle-aged years during their 40s and 50s, they also realize that their “middles” begin to swell up a bit.

Whether it’s from a few too many beers, a lack of exercise, or just simply a slowing metabolism, these pounds and inches can creep in faster than many of us would like to admit.

And, there is no pleasant way to find out that you have begun to top the scales: Your pants don’t fit, the belt doesn’t buckle like it used to, or you go in for your annual physical and discover the numbers on the scale have crept up yet a few more pounds.

The good news, however, is there are ways to prevent the pounds from increasing and get yourself in the best shape of your life! This is all while boosting your energy and stamina.

In fact, the following are five great tips that will get you started on your road to the health and fitness you desire.

5 Tips to Improve Middle-Aged Men’s Health

Get A Physical

The first and most important part of any new physical regime is to get cleared by your doctor to ensure there are no underlying health issues that could put you at risk.

After your check up, you’ll have the confidence to move forward and start putting in the work!

Determine The Plan – Including Both Nutrition & Workouts 

As they say, weight loss is 80% in the kitchen and 20% in the gym.

That’s absolutely true.

While cutting calories is a solution, going to the gym and eating a diet you can reasonably stick with long-term is an even better one. Actually, there are many great programs that can offer guidance and support. Beachbody is recently rising to the top as one of the best.


Because it’s a reasonable plan that the average person can live with while also including support for both nutrition and workouts. The makers of this program realize that those elements go hand-in-hand to losing weight and being healthy.

Choose A Program That Fits Your Goals 

Select a program that aligns with your lifestyle and goals. Are you looking to lose 10 pounds or 100-200 pounds? Tone up? Lose fat?

It’s important to identify a workout program and, subsequently, a diet style that meets your specific needs and will help you reach your desired goals.

Beachbody has approved over 20+ workout programs at all different fitness levels. This assures that you’ll find something that works for you regardless of your current fitness level.

As your body gets stronger and in shape, you can simply advance to a more challenging level to continue pushing yourself to greater heights!

Make Your Expectations Reasonable

Aim to keep your expectations reasonable to stay the course.

For example, saying that you will go to the gym for 2 hours a day is unrealistic, especially if it’s been a while. You have work, family, and other life commitments to balance.

So, setting yourself up with something so unreasonable will set you up for failure, frustration, and discouragement.

Instead, select a Beachbody approved program, all of which have workouts lasting from 20 – 60 minutes and are usually done 3-6 times per week. This includes days for rest and recovery.

Many of these programs are doable in terms of effort and time. Have at it!

Learn to Control Your Portions

Many programs emphasize great, fancy workouts or extreme eating plans. Although this may work short-term, it’s not a sustainable way to live.

In other words, it’s not a good lifestyle change.

Counting calories is often a grey area for many dieters as every source says that people need a different amount of calories. Some say 1,800 for the average male, some say, 2,000 – 2,500 for an active male.

Others say 2,000 is standard for an adult male or female.

The conflicting information can be confusing.

Rather than counting calories, simply control your portions. Pour your food into premeasured containers till the food is even at the top, dump it onto your plate and eat.

In fact, measure long enough and you will be able to simply eyeball your food and know what a “portion” is.

It’s Never too Late to Start the Path towards Better Health

These are just a few tips for middle-aged men’s health that will help start you on your path to great fitness, even in your 40s and 50s!

Remember to stick with it. Results will not come overnight, but they will be worth the effort!

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